Monday, July 26, 2010

What's the point of choices if they don't work for you!

I recently came across this tag line which job portal has come up with! It so aptly summarizes the dilemma of what we face as consumers every day. Today we have so many choices for everything that it is very difficult to decide on one. The irony is that even with so many choices there are very few that work for us.

Most of the times, we end up making a wrong choice because we take a decision on the basis of the frills that a product provides rather than looking at what the product should be and what it is!

Let’s take an example to bring in a clearer perspective! When we buy a mobile phone these days, we seldom look at durability, portability, battery life, back up, phone book capacity and several other features that actually matter. Instead what we look at is its look, music quality, camera resolution, internet connectivity, QWERTY keyboard, etc.

Ask yourself: Why do you need a mobile phone at this time?

Answering this question correctly will help you reach the right solution.

The key to the right decision amidst a sea of choices is primarily to understand what your requirements are at the first place. Once you know what you need and why you need it, selecting a solution becomes easy and this is the thumb rule for all choices that you make.

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